


LinkCM released COP (Capability Open Platform) V2.0 recently, complex logic and realization have been abstracted and packaged, to provide a quick develop and implementation environment. Through COP, the third parties can develop and access new application much easier and stable with lower cost. Json, XML and Rest etc. API are supported.


数鹏通(LinkCM)科技“SPP 智能产品制作平台”,通过接入逻辑引擎生产的实时过程数据,对各类要素进行灵活便捷的配置,提供多种模版供用户选择,进行智能产品制作。

LinkCM SPP (Smart Product Prodcution), get the real-time process data through Logic Engine to produce different kind of product. New function includes: various elements of flexible and convenient configuration.


数鹏通(LinkCM)科技“VCE 可视化内容编辑平台”,同时支持微信、微博、短信、网站等多媒体内容可视化编辑和发布,平台提供不同风格的模版和卡片,用户可通过托拉拽的方式完成素材的整合。完成的作品自动进入历史素材库,可供未来方便使用,实现知识的积累。

LinkCM VCE (Visualized Content Editor), support WeChat, WeiBo, SMS and WEB etc. mutimedia channels’content online edition and publish. Platform provides virous style templates, and the completed works will automatically saved in the database for furture use, such knowledge library will be setup at the same time without extra effort.


数鹏通(LinkCM)科技 “MCD 多渠道协同发布系统”,系统针对不同渠道的接口对产品内容进行模版化自动封装,有效集成各种发布渠道,实现了针对各种渠道的统一内容发布,包括:网站、FTP、Notes、报文、XML、短信(移动、电信、联通)、微信、微博(新浪、腾讯)、邮件等。

LinkCM MCD (Muti-Channel Distribution) provides various templates to match different channel’s requirement , which makes user very easy to distribute content to all channel with just ONE CLICK. More than ten channels has been integrated: WEB, FTP, Notes, Text, XML, SMS, WeChat, WeiBo, Email etc.


数鹏通(LinkCM)科技 “BFM 业务流实时监控”,以业务流路径图为主线,直观展现核心业务模块之间的关系,通过先进的协议解码技术,实现旁路式的监控技术,同时具备实时的数据采集、统计、分析和告警能力,构建端到端的业务服务质量全视图。

LinkCM BFM (Business Flow Monitor) , business flow path act as the main line, intuitive display of the relationship between the core business modules. The advanced protocol decoding and by-pass monitoring technology support real-time data collection, statistics, analysis and warning capability, construction of end-to-end quality of service full view.


数鹏通(LinkCM)科技 “RSS 全天候专家服务”,为保证向客户提供快速、优质、高效的技术支持服务,设立以驻点服务为前沿的三线服务支持架构,形成了7*24小时不间断的服务体系,可以通过各种服务形式,为客户提供专业的技术服务支持。

LinkCM RSS (Round-the-clock Specialist Services) , in order to ensure to provide customers with fast, high-quality, efficient technical support services, LinkCM has established 1st line, 2rd line and 3rd line support service system, which enable us to provide 7*24 round the clock specialist service .
